Week of Events
Bereavement Group
Chess Club
Knitting and Crochet
Knitting and Crochet
$1.00 per activity per day per member $2.00 per activity per day per non-member
Mah Jongg
Mah Jongg
$1.00 per activity per day per member $2.00 per activity per day per non-member If you would like to learn how to play Mah Jongg we will teach you. Leave your name and phone number at the front desk and someone will get back to you with a date and who will be yourinstructor. See […]
Looming or DIY Jewelry Making
Looming or DIY Jewelry Making
$1.00 per activity per day per member $2.00 per activity per day per non-member
New Member Orientation
New Member Orientation
Join us for new member orientation on Mondays at 10am. It is a great way to learn more about BWSAC and the activities, programs and events taking place—reservations required. Stop by the front desk or call 215-672-8380 to reserve a spot. Free lunch is included on orientation day.
Computer Education
Computer Education
Computer Class - $3.00 per member - $5.00 per non-member Off for July and August. Resumes September 9th. PLEASE BE AWARE!!Wednesdays at 1 PM, Adele’s Tech Team has computer help sessions, BY APPOINTMENT. Write Adele for an appointment at roseadele@yahoo.com, or leave your name and phone number at the front desk.
Wood Carving
Mah Jongg
Mah Jongg
If you would like to learn how to play Mah Jongg we will teach you. Leave your name and phone number at the front desk and someone will get back to you with a date and who will be your instructor. Learn Mah Jongg. See flyer here.
Tuesday Nite Cards
Chess Club
Wood Carving
Bingo $5.00 - 15 games. $10 payout per game to winner(s). Thursday's payout may be lower depending on attendance. See more details here.
Advanced Line Dancing
Advanced Line Dancing
$1.00 per activity per day per member $2.00 per activity per day per non-member
Computer Help Session (By appt. only)
Computer Help Session (By appt. only)
Adele’s Tech Team has computer help sessions BY APPOINTMENT. Write Adele for an appointment at roseadele@yahoo.com, or leave your name and phone number at the front desk. https://bwsac.org/calendar/category/classes/
Beginners Line Dancing
Beginners Line Dancing
$1.00 per activity per day per member $2.00 per activity per day per non-member
Blood Pressure Screenings
Blood Pressure Screenings
Monthly Blood Pressure Screenings the third Thursday every month from 10 am - 12 pm
Board Games
Bingo $5.00 - 15 games. $10 payout per game to winner(s). Thursday's payout may be lower depending on attendance. See more details here.